
Camp - Part 1 - Werewolf Richard

Camp - Part 1
I have to confess - I have never been to any camps.
Even if I was, I'd make this little chapter as absurd as I could make it.
05.VI.2012 06:00
Camping is very dangerous in werewolf fiction and movies, because that's where you got bitten by a dog-like animal. After that, you develop strange symptoms and powerful, frightening abilities, and eventually you find youself having rabies.
ltyd0619: 05.VI.2012 11:42
Trust me you are not missing anything, the only things I remember about summer camp is the bugs and the crap.  Our rooms had no ceiling, the building had a roofed but that was it.  Privacy was a joke.  And the bathrooms, the waste product went into a tank which had to be emptied regularly ( which didn't always happen ).  The truck that did this was nicknamed "the honey dipper" ( believe it, that was what it was called ).  So believe me you didn't miss anything.
mymom2000: 05.VI.2012 18:37
OK, there were some good points to summer camp, swimming, boating and the camp store ( also known as the " P.X. " ) those three things were the only reason camp was bearable ( but not by much ).
mymom2000: 05.VI.2012 19:04
ltyd0619: Indeed, tough none I know are actually done from the point of view of the dog-like animal in question.
mymom2000: Don't be afraid to share experiences, I might use something as a late insert into the story :)
QtW: 06.VI.2012 17:25
Všechny tábory nejsou zase tak špatné, já byl na táborech v okolí Jeseníku, kde jsem získal cenné poznatky. Například, že hlad je nejlepší kuchař, neboť po celodenním padesáti kilometrovém okruhu po okolních horách a údolích jsem byl ochoten pozřít i podrážky vlastních bot, které byli pokryty rašelinou z jezírka do kterého jsem zahučel až po kolena. Ale nejcennější poznatek byl ten, že ti co své sladkosti z domova nesešrotí již během prvního dne, si pak na konci turnusu můžou pěkně namastit kapsy veřejnou dražbou. Jo není nad to, když z tábora odjíždíte s více penězi než jste tam přijeli. :P
Nibelus: 06.VI.2012 19:49
I sincerely hope you have a very good translation program or speak the language, because I couldn't make out one word, only thing I'm sure of is that it isn't French, Italian, or German.  It might be Russian or Polish.  Of course this is non of my business.
mymom2000: 07.VI.2012 03:44
Well, there was one more thing we did at Camp, and that was fishing, although the boat  we used was not really a boat, it was more like a floor on floats, and even though it had a motor it was not very fast.  In fact, one guy was able to keep pace with it in a rowboat ( and believe you me, that was a sight ).
mymom2000: 07.VI.2012 04:45
Oh, one more thing you should know, the body of water our camp was located on was a mile to 11/2 miles wide to 3 miles long.  Which makes it by local standards a "Pond" not a "Lake". Believe me, that really floored me when I learned that.
mymom2000: 07.VI.2012 06:18
I don't need a translation program for that one - it's Czech, my native language. Thanks for the concern, though.
That's quite a pond. Local standards do have a way to make one's head spin.
Nibelus: S tou dražbou bych si to dokázal docela živě představit :)
QtW: 07.VI.2012 16:22
My měli u tábora jen řeku, její teplota se pohybovala okolo 6 stupňů Celsia a když měl někdo narozenin v průběhu turnusu tak ho tam při večením nástupu hodili. No a jeden z těch vyvolených sem byl naneštěstí i já. Heh, dvakrát sem šel bez boje ale poslední rok jsem se vzepřel a pokusil se utéct. Bohužel přesila 60 na jednoho byla na mě trochu moc a tak sem do řeky letěl i po třetí. :P Jo zlatý časy na táboře. :P
Nibelus: 07.VI.2012 17:14
I thought I should share this with you, it has nothing to do with camps.  You are familiar with the Australian animal the kangaroo? Well, here's something you don't know, kangaroo is not a name, it is a phrase, the name is actually a combination of three words " kan-ga-roo " which means in the native tongue " I-don't-know " just thought you should know.
mymom2000: 09.VI.2012 00:26
Some information about werefox in China:they are originally fox, after years of praticing witchcraft(mostly over one thousand year), they gain the ability to shapeshift. People call them Huli Jing. They are a lot different from Kitsune. They usually appear as young, beautiful women, and often try to seduce unwitting young men. “Huli Jing” is also a derogatory term for a woman that translates to something like “gold digger” or “home wrecker.” They can have as many as nine tails, relating to their age and power.  In a rare case, however, it can shapeshift into an old and wise man. In that story, a scholar met an old man who was teaching some foxes in the forest. He told the scholar some unconventional theorys (but all sounds reason able).
ltyd0619: 09.VI.2012 06:59
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